Consulting 4.0

Companies don't change people - people change companies.

Over 25 years of experience in consulting and implementing change processes have shown us that consultants also know that their customers' employees are the key to whether your change processes are successfully implemented. And of course a consultant must also be a good fit for a company. And everyone wants to save time, send fewer employees to face-to-face training and still leave all the options open to them. So there is a shift from face-to-face and class room training, to more video conferences, more digital offerings, more WiKis.

And Corona has changed many things even more drastically and quickly - even less presence, even more Zoom and MS Teams meetings in consulting, training and coaching.

Training und Coaching

You are a consultant, coach or trainer and want to continue to serve your customers even if it is not possible on site. HSE 4.0 as your digital platform helps you to meaningfully support employee teams or individual employees at your customers in training and coaching measures. We will never replace you, because every consultant, every trainer and every coach is unique, but we can support you to continue to be successful with your customers or to become more successful.

With our approach and as an experienced partner, you too will be able to successfully implement changes (and digitalization is often change) for your customers, anchor them sustainably and bring transparency to this process. And all of this with 80% less effort, a time saving of 60-80% and an always up-to-date overview of the stage of progress your change measures are currently at.This also gives your customer more security and a good feeling. And good feelings generate more business!

Changes scare many employees! They don't understand the meaning and purpose of the changes and many are simply afraid - afraid of new things, afraid of not being able to cope with the challenges, afraid of their job security. With an approach based on personal conversations and digital support, you will be better able to communicate the upcoming changes clearly and transparently to the affected employees. This gives everyone the opportunity to deal with the upcoming changes at their own individual speed and thus greater security and confidence.

You can see at any time which employee is actively working on the changes and where you may need to communicate further.

We call this “Change Transparency”.